The Game

Wizard 101 is a MMORPG. The acronym is short for M.assive M.ulti-player O.nline R.ole P.laying G.ame, and this particular game comes from creators known as KingsIsle Entertainment.

Wikipedia has a fairly well done and extensive article about Wizard 101. Find it [HERE]

If you already know a little bit about Wizard 101 and would just like to head on over and get started, below is a link to the Wizard Creation page:

Get Started: Create a Wizard and Play Wizard 101

The creation page looks like this:

 NPC (Non-Player-Character): Merle Ambrose

Wizard 101 has a storyline for players to follow and it is best (in my experience and opinion) to do as much as you can to follow the storyline. This storyline is designed to help players level up with spells and gear to match experience. Besides, some portions of the game will be restricted until certain quests or parts of the storyline are adhered to.

Happy Questing!

More Game Details: 
Special point and click software, easy download and setup wizard
System Requirements: 
Internet Connection Necessary for Game Play
Win98SE or higher/more recent Windows versions
Vid Card: 
GeForce or equivalent (most PCs nowadays come with equivalent/decent card)
Disk Space: 

Has Received